Sunday, May 5, 2013

Google Glass - Industry and Business benefits and impact

Here are some of the industry and business benefits from Google Glass

Retail (“G-commerce”)
Glass could capture a barcode, scour the Google Shopping database and identify available product attributes, enabling the Glass user to add to a virtual cart and purchase. An interesting video on grocery shopping through glass.

Advertising (“Admented Reality”)
Glass can gather a massive amount of extremely personal data based on what you look at and for how long. Google may use this data mining to build even more detailed consumer profiles and/or sell targeted ads. Here's an interesting video of what advertising through google glass or "admented reality" could look like.

Using Glass, game developers can overlay game play over the real world

Travel & Tourism
Using Glass, overlaying data and imagery on top of historical buildings & museum exhibits, the ability to do a
quick, relevant voice search without pulling out your phone will make learning about history  more immersive than ever.

Glass’s theoretical ability to translate spoken language into real-time subtitles, effectively eliminates any
language barrier.

  • Glass could be used for recording lectures, live streaming them for remote access, audio-note taking and supplementing lectures with related data. 
  • Glass could potentially aid those with learning disabilities and those with certain visual, auditory and physical handicaps.
  • Glass opens up new possibilities for teaching people things from a hands-on, first person perspective. Ex. Fixing things, cooking meals, learning to play the guitar.
Personal Healthcare
  • Personal applications of Google Glass could help users make healthier choices and track their own health
  • Instantly looking up nutrition information
  • Visual recognition apps can track what and how much you eat and drink
  • Get health tips and instant visual feedback throughout the cooking process.
  • A visual overlay could let you follow along with new exercises
Medical Application 
  • Doctors could check on patients remotely with live video feeds.
  • Doctors could immediately access a patient-personalized stream of information from their electronic databases while examining patients. 
  • Doctors could record and instantly transcribe conversations with patients for future reference
  • Physicians could look up drug interactions and contraindications based on the patient's medical history.
  • Remote surgery assistance.


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