Saturday, May 25, 2013

Psychographics - Interesting fact of the day

Psychographics is the science of measuring and categorizing consumer lifestyles.
One of the most popular classifications based on psychographic measurements is SRI
International’s Values and Lifestyles (VALS) framework. The VALS 2 system classifies
all U.S. adults into eight groups based on psychological attributes drawn from survey
responses to demographic, attitudinal, and behavioral questions, including questions
about Internet usage. The major tendencies of these groups are:

➤ Actualizers: Successful, sophisticated, active, “take-charge” people whose purchases
often reflect cultivated tastes for relatively upscale, niche-oriented products.

➤ Fulfilleds: Mature, satisfied, comfortable, and reflective people who favor durability,
functionality, and value in products.

➤ Achievers: Successful, career- and work-oriented consumers who favor established,
prestige products that demonstrate success.

➤ Experiencers: Young, vital, enthusiastic, impulsive, and rebellious people who spend
much of their income on clothing, fast food, music, movies, and video.

➤ Believers: Conservative, conventional, and traditional people who favor familiar
products and established brands.

➤ Strivers: Uncertain, insecure, approval-seeking, resource constrained consumers who
favor stylish products that emulate the purchases of wealthier people.

➤ Makers: Practical, self-sufficient, traditional, and family-oriented people who favor
products with a practical or functional purpose, such as tools and fishing

➤ Strugglers: Elderly, resigned, passive, concerned, and resource-constrained
consumers who are cautious and loyal to favorite brands.

Which group would you fall into?

Src. Framework for Marketing Management by Philip Kotler


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